Using the module system
The Environmental Modules is a system that enables dynamically loading different code libraries.
The dynamic purpose of this system is that it allows the system administrator to control all the running libraries, and the possibility that it allows users to dynamically select the libraries they want-easily and without having to deal with installation issues.
The basic system uses can be partitioned into two groups:
1) System Status Group
module avail command: Displays all directories that can be loaded.
module list command: Displays the libraries loaded for the user (by default, some basic directories such as gnu, etc.)

2) User Actions Group
module load XXX command: Loads the XXX directory as it appeared in the directories that were displayed in module avail.
module unload XXX command: Unloads the XXX directory as it appeared in the directories that were displayed in module avail.

module purge command: Unloads all loaded libraries (including those in default).

For additional uses of the module system, it is recommended to use the following link: