Connect from your Linux computer
1. First, download FortiClient software from the following link:
Or from their main link:
We recommend that you choose the latest version.
Choose from 64bit to 32bit depending on your operating system.

The file should be save to Downloads as shown in the illustration:

2. After downloading, open the terminal application and execute the following commands:
Enter the downloads file - $cd ~/Downloads
Check that indeed the file was downloaded- $ls forticlientsslvpn*
Switch to root-user - $sudo su
Install Forticlient with the following command:
#dpkg -i {deb-file-name}
instead of {deb-file-name} the full name of the file with the .db file you downloaded must be registered.
Forticlient SSL-VPN must be run using Ubuntu's main search:

3. Upon initial activation, we will need to approve the terms of the forticlient liense

Confirm by pressing Ok. The sceen will open:

After you click agree, you may need to type the root's password.
4. If your operating system is 64bit, you will need to run the following command that downloads packages and automatically install them to create compatibility with the VPN software.
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0:i386 libsm6:i386 libstdc++6:i386

The command will ask for permission to download the files.
press "Y" and press enter to confirm.

5. The run will open the following login window. Type the name of the server, the user name give to you and the password give to you.
Click the "Connect" button to connect.
During the connection you may recieve the following message:

You can press Continue without any worry.
6. If everything is working, you will get the following message that the VPN connection is active:

Leave the window active in the background. Do not press Stop.
7. To check whether the routing to the server passes through the VPN.
Run the following command in the terminal:
ip route get

if we got a dev followed by an interface name different from ppp0 (in the image above, for example we got wlp2s0), do the following:
ip route add dev pp0
Afterwards run the command again:
ip route get
And make sure that this time after dev appears ppp0

8. Run the following command:
ssh -l {username}
Where instead of {username} the user name of the cluster server must be registered.
9. You can run sinfo: